Jul 26, 2006

PODcast 04!

#04 is out!

01. Trip into E-V-Space by Edwin van Santeen
02. Cave of Skeletor$ by Thomas
03. Loss for words by Shaman
04. System override by Mystical
05. Salvation by Zauron
06. Hyperventillation by Yolk & Legend
07. Flashtique by Imode
08. Mutha 1 by Reptile
09. Mutha 2 by Reptile
10. Party for Bl0dmann by Mr. Suxx
11. Cyberride by Jester

File: hardread_podcast_04_26072006.mp3
Size: 35.328.000bytes (~34MB)
Lenght: 36:47min.

Jul 14, 2006

Finally, new podcast

Finally, we released our 3rd PODcast!

01. Banana split by Dizzy
02. Ninja in a box by Tpolm
03. Second time by Quasian
04. Strange mental universe by Man with no alias
05. Blowing by Jeff
06. Blowing remix by Vincenzo
07. Liveevil by Carlos
08. Elements soundtrack by Virgill & Tasium
09. Pornonoise by Dixan & Synteesi
10. Fair play to the queen by Teetow

File: hardread_podcast_03_14072006.mp3
Size: 30.244.846bytes (~30MB)
Lenght: 31:30min.